Tag Archives: Illuminati

Corruption, Torture, and Ritual Mutder Executed by the Highest Offices in the World

Corruption, Torture, and Ritual Mutder Executed by the Highest Offices in the World

A Pre-Trial Hearing will commence on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 9:00 am GMT in Brussels

Issued by the Office of the Presiding Magistrates
E. Cantillon, Secretary

LET IT BE KNOWN that, based on an application brought before it by the Office of the Citizen Prosecutor on February 10, 2014, the Court will in thirty days commence litigation proceedings against Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis 1″), Adolfo Nicolas Pachon (“Superior General of the Jesuit Order”), Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury”) and others involved in Crimes against Humanity.

These defendants will be charged with organizing and abetting child rape, torture and trafficking, and criminally conspiring to commit and conceal these offences.”

Remember the Buffalo Lodge in the Flintstones?

Remember the Buffalo Lodge in the Flintstones?

‘“Good evening, Exalted High Council, former Grand Swipes, Grand Swipes-in-waiting, fellow Wall Street Kappas, Kappas from the Spring Street and Montgomery Street chapters, and worthless neophytes!”’

“It was January 2012, and Ross, wearing a tuxedo and purple velvet moccasins embroidered with the fraternity’s Greek letters, was standing at the dais of the St. Regis Hotel ballroom, welcoming a crowd of two hundred wealthy and famous Wall Street figures to the Kappa Beta Phi dinner. Ross, the leader (or “Grand Swipe”) of the fraternity, was preparing to invite 21 new members — “neophytes,” as the group called them — to join its exclusive ranks.

Looking up at him from an elegant dinner of rack of lamb and foie gras were many of the most famous investors in the world, including executives from nearly every too-big-to-fail bank, private equity megafirm, and major hedge fund. AIG CEO Bob Benmosche was there, as were Wall Street superlawyer Marty Lipton and Alan “Ace” Greenberg, the former chairman of Bear Stearns. And those were just the returning members. Among the neophytes were hedge fund billionaire and major Obama donor Marc Lasry and Joe Reece, a high-ranking dealmaker at Credit Suisse.”


A Comprehensive History of Secret Societies in Europe and America

A Comprehensive History of Secret Societies in Europe and America

“Right now, the power is concentrated in the hands of a few rich individuals like George Bush, for example, who’s legacy goes something like this:

  • graduated Yale in the Skull and Bones fraternity in 1948, went into the Airforce, got shot down and was played up in the press as a war hero 
  • becomes owner of Zapata Off-shore Oil , which controls a large fleet of oil tankers off the coast of Kuwait 
  • becomes director of the CIA, working to introduce cocaine and heroin in large part to America 
  • is made Director of Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals by Dan Quayle’s Father (Lilly produces precursor chemicals used in cocaine production) 
  • sits on the board of First Interstate Bank, Puralator Shipping, and Texas Gulf (Fertilizers and pesticides to grow the Coca with and then spray on it to wipe some of it out) 
  • then becomes Vice-President and Drug Czar (During this time Cocaine influx into the U.S. increased by over 2000 %) 
  • declares war on the American people and the Bill of Rights through the militarization of a phony drug war 
  • tricks Saddam Hussein with the help of the leaders of Kuwait, into attacking Iraq (The reason was Zapata Oil’s slant drilling from Kuwait into Iraqi territory) so that he could declare war under a U.N. Mandate, strengthen the U.N. and hike up oil prices 
  • then before leaving office, signs into law a secret Telecommunications Bill requiring the switch-over of all Federal and Bank phone lines to Fiber Optic for the purpose of electronic funds transfer as required by law in the year 2000 when cash and checks will be no longer legal 
  • if that isn’t bad enough, he also has brothers and sons that are Skull and Bones members and they do politics as well 
  • Neil Bush (Silverado Savings and Loan Scam), there is Jeb Bush and there are several other Bush’s hiding in the BIG BUSH FAMILY 
  • it is probably no coincidence that the Harriman and Bush families both have a history in Eugenics or race purification and Genetic Selective Breeding

People of intelligence understand that the world around us — the images we see, the buildings we inhabit, has an acute effect on the structure of the way we think, and thereby the way that we act and interact with others as well. If you control a society’s architecture [and media] you really do control its thoughts. That is, until people begin to understand the mechanisms by which their thought is directed. This is why the “Masons” have been the keepers of secret knowledge for centuries.